Email: care@trinityagenda.org
Every umbilical cord has its story...
A stinging cry bursts through the silence of a stinking, almost deserted public restroom. Her swollen ankles welcome the fresh linear blood as it makes its way to the bacteria infested tiles. Her gasping lungs let out another penetrating scream as she squats widely to release the misery that’s strangling every part of her anatomy. Blood is now everywhere, accompanied by unidentified thick filaments of gelled waste. Her face twitches is frantic torment, as she battles her very life against the accidental unwanted within. Her soiled and unsterilized fingers impatiently and roughly reaches under her red garment, in between the rising pitch of wailing and endless tears, to grab at whatever that’s coming out of her. She hears the “plop”; it’s out, she gasps for air, beads of sweat bathing her entirety – one hand pulling out a crimson human child, and the other, cutting off the umbilical cord with a common blade. The baby doesn’t cry. The filthy restroom returns to a silence. She places the miniature body on the mean floor. A roach scurries past the baby. She looks at her seconds old baby without an ounce of maternal emotion. As rapidly as she had delivered, she cleans her face, adjusts her clothes and pulls out a blue coloured bin bag from her oversized handbag. Looking around cautiously and without wasting another minute, she places the quiet, naked, breathing baby into the plastic bag and puts it under the white sink, clearly making it look like a pile of rude trash. She sighs in great relief, as if she had just disposed her burdens. She exits the toilet, never looking back.
She was 17 years old.
The baby took its last breath, 17 hours later.
Over the past two decades, Malaysia has been brutally assaulted in the face with revolting headlines of the cruelest baby-dumping and abandonment accounts. It fails to help when traditional news and social media broadcasts dead infants in shoe boxes or lying bloodied in some corner of a repulsive public toilet.
What happened? How could any human being go on living by possibly snuffing the purest, most innocent and defenceless beings in the most heartless, cold-blooded manner? We could play jury and slam the gavel at the “mother” easily, but have we ever stopped to consider what could have been playing on the birth mother’s mind when she decided to abandon her baby?
The Trinity Agenda came to be in view of the disturbingly rising number of baby-dumping, infanticide and highly neglected orphans in the country. Together with the issues at hand and with the frequent confusion as to where single birth mothers facing pregnancy distress could receive all the guidance and assistance they need, we are here with the actionable and operative objectives of:
Saving, protecting and warding abandoned babies/children
Sheltering pregnant birth mothers and counseling birth parents who are uncertain about their “accidental pregnancies”
Establishing a clear, smooth and hassle-free legal adoption channel for aspiring adoptive families
Achieving a “zero orphans” status in the country
We have to come together to end blaming, shaming, criticizing and judging birth mothers (and birth fathers) who’ve most often than not, resorted to abandoning their babies due to pregnancies out of wedlock, rape, abusive and violent relationships, social stigma, cultural taboos, etc.
Exercise a reality check here: Accidents DO happen. It doesn’t matter how young or old one may be…they will constantly happen irregardless of the best advice given or actions taken. Fundamentally, there needs to be a place where assistance, emotional support and professional counselling are promptly accessible to prevent child dumping at all costs, whilst tackling this national disaster humanely, tactfully and effectively.
The Trinity Agenda will do everything it possibly can to cooperate and co-function with the government and its welfare arm to engage in integral solutions in making this country safe again for its children in every generation to come. This includes providing a safe-haven for expectant single mothers, incorporating counseling sessions to determine guarded decisions for unborn babies (or children whom these birth mothers can no longer sustain), and helping to regulate and administrate applications and processes for adoptive families, including the necessary adoption paperwork and processes required for the legal guardianship of a child.
When we help a distraught mother, we save a baby. When we save a baby, a new family is given birth to.
That's the agenda.